Youth Program

We are providing the youth program again this year for girls whose age ranges from 7-10. It will begin the first week of December and end the last week of March. The youth program is significantly lower in cost because it is an hour and 15 minute practice only once a week, on Sundays, and there are no tournaments to attend/uniforms to purchase. The youth program is considered a 4 month long clinic for the younger girls to learn/practice their skills and the game.
PAYMENT: Is either a one time payment of $340 at signing, or 2 payments (once at signing and once in January) of $170/$170 for the entire season.
Parents are more than welcome to sign up their daughter via email any time- The sign-ups are a first come, first serve basis. We will only take 24 players this year.
Youth players 24-25
7/8 year olds:
9/10 year olds: